71 Terrific Templates For Blog Post Title Ideas

Verve Team edward Fellows Digital Design Executive Written By Edward - Digital Design Executive at Verve
Verve News Articles templates for blog post titles ideas (Infographic) Verve News Articles templates for blog post titles ideas (Infographic)

71 Terrific Templates For Blog Post Title Ideas

Infographic and guidance on how to create attention-grabbing blog post title headlines in minutes.
As part of our on going series of expert blogs from the team here at Verve, this week we have our Digital Marketing team, tell you how to write blog post titles that crave to be clicked. The blog is also accompanied by a free infographic for you to view, print or share.


Memorable Blog Post Titles

Try and think of the last 5 blog posts you read. Can you remember what they were about, if so were they memorable for the right reasons?

You have probably heard this a million times but yes, having a catchy, attention-grabbing title is the key to enticing people to visit your site and read your blog posts.


Is the blog post title really that important?

YES! It is without a doubt the most important part of your whole blog, including the content. You can write the most impressive, informative blog post content that would blow peoples minds but if the author has had a half-hearted attempt at the title it will get very few readers.

Research has shown that blog posts with titles that manipulate emotions get much higher click through rates and reads, even if the content is lacking in substance.

Copyblogger encompass the whole situation in 2 sentences:

“On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. This is the secret to the power of your title, and why it so highly determines the effectiveness of the entire piece.


Whether your posts are popping up in search engines, social media, e-mail or your own website, the title is the first thing they will see. It really can be the major decider factor of whether a customer visits your site, buys a product/service or ends up in the hands of one of your competitors.


So what makes a great blog post title?

1. Use numbers: A blog title that contains numbers draws attention and immediately tells the customer what they are going to get. Why would someone click ‘Blog Post Title Ideas’ when they can click ‘71 Blog Post Title Ideas’?

2. Use seductive adjectives: Add some wow factor to your blog title. The more inspiring and fascinating your adjectives, the better-placed users are to take action and click.


Example seductive adjectives:
Irresistible, Outrageous, Fantastic, Controversial, Unbelievable, Fascinating, Epic, Powerful, Terrific, Brilliant, Tremendous.



Take this a step further by accompanying it with some alliteration. The header in this blog post uses alliteration with ‘terrific templates’. It is something that makes the text sound much more appealing, it can have a subtle but effective impact on your reader.

3. Be accurate: Use the blog post title to set realistic expectations. If you write a jaw-dropping title that everyone will want to click on but has very little to do with the content or if expectations are not met by the article, the customer will have a bad user experience and the chances of them coming back to your site will below.

4. Keep it short and sweet: The blog post title will be the text that appears in search engine results, this means you should aim for the title to be between 50-60 characters (less than 512 pixels to be exact). If you keep your titles under 55 characters then at least 95% of your titles should display fully.

5. Learn from others: If one of your competitors is already having success in this area, why not see what titles they have already used and see if you can improve on them?


Blog Post Titles With Verve

Ok so how do you use this information? The next time you have something you want to write about all you need to do is reference the infographic below, fill in the blanks with the keywords or phrases you wish to talk about and hey-presto you now have a mouth-watering blog post title that will be irresistible to anyone that sees it.

I hope this has been a helpful overview and has initiated some inspiration in the blogger in you. What are your blog post title tips? I would love to hear them in the comments below and if you have found this article useful please do take a second to share it.

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71 Terrific Templates for Blog Post Ideas