Our Top Tips for Working from Home

Verve Team Julian Smout Managing Director Written By Julian - Managing Director at Verve
Keyboard with lady's painted nails typing Keyboard with lady's painted nails typing

With the latest issues that the world is facing, working from home where possible has become inevitable for some people.

For some people this will be easier than it is for others as they may already have a home set up or experience of working from home previously. But for others, this isn’t something that they have had to implement before and the change in circumstances can have an impact on how you work


Here are our top tips for working from home and how to ensure you stay productive and don’t burn out!


Act as if You Were Going Into the Office

The best way to get your head into work mode is by preparing as if you were going into the office anyway. Always get up, shower and get dressed. You may not want to wear smart work wear if you are at home but staying in your pyjamas until 2pm will mean that your focus could slide significantly. Have your breakfast and coffee as if you would normally, walk the dog before ‘leaving for work’, kiss goodbye to your partner and head to your working space. All these small routine actions will help you to stay productive and professional.


Plan Out Your Day

Make sure that you have a set calendar for the day. Work can inevitably change as priorities change but starting out with an idea of what you are going to be working on throughout the day will help immensely. Have morning catch ups as a team either via skype or Google Hangouts and discuss what the plan is for the day ahead so everyone knows what they are working on and you don’t drift away from what’s important. Additionally, if you work alone, a calendar will make you feel more at ease and focused on the tasks at hand.


Stay Connected

It is vital to ensure you can keep in touch with everyone you need to. Communicating with others will not only keep you sane but it will keep spirits high and allow you to do your job properly. Skype and whatsapp groups will enable you to share not only important information but lighthearted conversation. Work together as a team to build effective channels of communication that work for everyone. And if you work alone then make sure you have some sort of human interaction throughout the day, whether it is a quick catch up call with a friend, or a chat over the fence with a neighbour.

Desk set up with hanging plant, laptop and lamp Desk set up with hanging plant, laptop and lamp
Desk layout with laptop, stationery, mobile, plant and man drawing in calendar Desk layout with laptop, stationery, mobile, plant and man drawing in calendar

Don’t Burn Out

Some may find it hard to concentrate at home if they have young children and families, but if you are on your own then you may end up getting more done than usual. It can be tempting to log on in the evenings and early morning to ‘check’ and end up becoming immersed. Make sure that you take regular breaks away from your working space, go for a walk for fresh air, or make a cup of tea. Otherwise you could find yourself starting to feel stressed and overwhelmed!

Choose a Designated Working Space

Although not everyone will have the luxury of a home office, it is important to do the best with what you have. Set up a designated working space as well as you can do, take time to think about what you might need throughout the day, ensure you have all the essentials at your fingertips and let your employer know exactly what you need to make the situation as easy as possible for you.

Meal Prep!

If you take your lunch to work with you then do the same for your home working schedule. Prep your lunch the night before or before you start work so that it is one less thing to think about when you get to your break. If you usually buy lunch from a nearby shop then make sure that there is one nearby that is open and has what you need, otherwise prep in advance!

We’re here to help at Verve so get in touch if there is anything that we can assist with [email protected]